kiełbasy berger



Silesian Cream Soup ’Ajntopf with Frankfuterki Sausages’ with an Italian Twist

In summer, due to the heat, we do not want to eat heavy dishes. That is why soup recipes are very helpful. This time we have something special for you – it is an Upper Silesian variation on the theme of cream soup,  ‘Ajntopf with Frankfurterki Sausages’ with an Italian twist.

Ingredients (about 4 servings, although it’s so delicious, one person might eat all of it!)
– 1 package of classic Silesian sausages made by Berger – Frankfurterki or Ślązaczki
– 1 litre of thick broth (preferably from mixed meats: chicken, beef and sliced beef bones)
– whatever is left over after cooking the broth: vegetables from the Silesian broth (without bones), i.e. parsley, celery, leek, carrots, onions, cabbage and meat
– 500 g of diced pumpkin
– 2 cloves of garlic
– 1/2 medium onion
– 200 g cream min. 18% (heavier or lighter, as desired)
– 1 tbsp/14 grams butter
– 2 sprigs of dill
– 2 sprigs basil (it's that Italian twist, or rather hint of it)
– 1 sprig lovage
– freshly ground pepper, salt

Measure out about 0.5 litres of broth, add the vegetables from the broth and the meat, diced pumpkin, basil, lovage, garlic, and pepper and mix all this together until you get a rough consistency. Don’t overmix – you don’t want it too smooth: it has to be Silesian!
Then transfer to a pot, add the rest of the broth, stir and cook for a few minutes stirring constantly. You have to be careful when cooking the soup as it is thick and very hot. Towards the end, add the cream; boil briefly, then reduce to a simmer. 
Meanwhile, cut the sausages into small pieces and diced onions and fry together in butter. If the onions are slightly carmelised, so much the better. . Oh cruel calories, they are jumping around in a spoon like crazy, and with them the Silesian flavours.
Pour the soup onto plates or into bowls or leave it in the pot as in the photo. Finally, add fried sausage to the middle and sprinkle with dill. Oooh does it ever smell wonderful...

Enjoy your meal!


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